Why Should God Pour Out His Love On Me?
I was thinking last night about how incredible it is that God should’ve poured out His love upon me. Why me, when there’s nothing in me to merit it?
Simply because He loved me. Not because I was in any way worthy but simply love!
‘Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.’
Naturally we have no desire for God or his ways at all, all we want is our own way and desires. Until our eyes are opened, we have no idea of the wonderful joy of following Jesus

But when God the Holy Spirit draws us to Him our desires change.
Until we know Jesus as our Saviour and Lord, we think that having everything we want is the way to happiness.
And even after we know Him we still sometimes seek it there.
But O the joy, the peace and utter delight of laying our desires aside and truly following Jesus.
‘And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.’
Denying ourselves and taking up our cross sounds awful to our old nature but when God puts a new heart in us and we crucify the desire of our old nature, what joy and peace there is in following Jesus.
Yes, dying to self is hard to the flesh but if we seek God’s will and way above our own; then you really will experience His wonderful peace and a joy. A peace and joy that can’t be altered by circumstances, a peace and joy that trusts and rests in God’s perfect love even when we don’t understand the why.
Each moment truly lived for Jesus and not ourselves, however hard those moments may be, is by far the best way.
So don’t be afraid to follow Jesus, wherever He may lead, trusting His lovingkindness, it’s always, totally worth it.
When we truly surrender all and say here I am, all of me for You, take me just as I am, use me in whatever way will best glorify You, then He fills us with His love so full that it overflows into ever aspect of our lives.
Have you left all and followed Jesus?
Luke 9:23, Jeremiah 31:3
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