Hi, come on in and find out a little more about Salt Blog, me and the why behind the name…

Hi, it’s good to have you here. I’m Sharon and the creator of Salt Blog.
Where and Who
I live in the South East of England near to the coast and the Sussex Downs. Happily married to Howard who works in property renovations and home improvements, Mum to Abi & Josh and Nanny to two little sweethearts, I keep as busy as my body allows.
What I Love
I’ve always loved creativity and baking. When I first became really unwell and was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus and other health issues I then realised what a blessing this was. It has given me quiet things to keep my hands and mind occupied when I don’t have the energy or mobility to do other things.
I love to share what I’m Making and Baking here on the Salt Blog. This includes recipes I’ve created and items I’ve made for my Etsy shop. Where a portion of each sale will go to Mombasa Mission.
My Faith
I am a follower of Jesus, a Bible believing Christian and I love to share my faith and what the Lord is showing me in His word. I share here on the blog and on social media @savourofsalt to encourage you in your faith. You can expect regular, devotional style posts from me on my blog here and on social media. You can also sign up to have them go straight into your inbox.
Why the Name Salt Blog?
One question people want to know about Salt Blog is where the name comes from. In 2016 when God first laid it on my heart to share what He was teaching me in scripture here online, I felt totally inadequate. For 15 months I told Gold I couldn’t. But He continued to encourage me to step out in faith leaning upon Him. One day in June 2017 I sat down and really analysed what was holding me back and it all came down to fear. Fear of what others might think, fear that my motives might be misconstrued and fear that I couldn’t write well enough about what God laid on my heart to share. I took it all to the Lord and left it with Him praying that He would, just one more time, give me a really clear direction whether to move forward with this or not.
The very next day during the Sunday evening service James Gudgeon, one of the founders of Mombasa Mission preached from Matthew 5:13.
‘Ye are the Salt of the Earth: But if the Salt have lost his Savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.’ (kjv)
This sermon really convicted me. Here are few of the things that he spoke of. As children of God we are a walking testimony of God and just as salt is there to be used, so are God’s people. That it isn’t that we can be a disciple if we want to, we are disciples. Believers are not here to please themselves, but to do the will of the One who called them out of darkness into light. ‘This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.’ (kjv) We are here to fulfil God’s will and not our own. God’s people are Salt and Light. Our lives are the only sermon some will ever hear.
Stepping out in Faith.
I now knew beyond doubt that I was to begin to share my faith online. I still have fears from time to time but I trust that I am in God’s will and in the end that is all that matters. Initially I called the blog Savour of Salt. But in time I realised how confusing that was as the U.K. and the U.S. spellings of savour are different. Also some people were confusing savour with Saviour. So when I update my site I switched to the much simpler Salt Blog.
Join Me…
I would love to have you join me on this journey. You can sign up for updates from any page on my site using the subscriber form below. I love hearing from you so please reach out either by email sharon@saltblog or on Facebook and Instagram.