A Poem on Matthew 11:28-30 – Come Follow Me

“Come, follow me”, ‘tis Jesus speaks,
In loving tones so clear.
“Come follow me, without delay,
I long to have you near.”
With me, you say, with one like me?
“Yes, one like you”, says He.
“The healthy I came not to save
But sin sick souls like thee.”
“Come unto me dear labouring soul,
The burden is too great.
Just bring to me your burdens all,
And I will bear the weight.”
“In Me you’ll find a blesséd rest,
Though troubles you surround,
A peace and joy beyond compare,
In Me is to be found.”
“The yoke we’ll share, it easy is,
My burden it is light,
I’ll lead the way and joined to me,
We’ll travel through the night.”
“Then when that glorious dawn breaks through,
And I shall call you home,
Ah then with joy unspeakable,
You’ll worship at my throne.”
Matthew 11:28-30
S M Izzard
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This is lovely, dear sisterfriend! The Lord has been giving this same Scripture passage to me repeatedly, lately, but it’s so sweet to see it as a beautiful poem, that helps us remember how kind Jesus is & what a blessing it is to come to Him in all of our troubles and find rest for our souls!
Yes it’s such precious truth and so encouraging especially when we grow weary in our pilgrimage!