What Does Consecration Look Like for the Believer?
Frances Ridley Havergal show us what consecration looks like for the believer in her hymn take my life and let it be...
“Take my life and let it be
consecrated, Lord, to thee.
Take my moments and my days;
let them flow in endless praise,
let them flow in endless praise.”
(F R Havergal)
What is consecration for the Believer?
I think Jesus summed it up well when He said ‘if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.’
Consecration isn’t a one time decision when we first put our faith in Jesus Christ, it’s a daily, moment by moment decision. A constant crucifying of self that Christ might live through us.
Who will we live this moment for? Self or our Lord?
Are we separated from this world unto God even while we’re living in it?
Let’s look a little more at consecration.
The English dictionary definition is ‘to make or declare sacred; to set apart or dedicate to the service of a deity:’ ‘to dedicate one’s life, time etc to a specific purpose.’
This picture of consecration began in the Old Testament right at the very beginning.
The world was made by God and for God, We were created for His glory and pleasure, set apart for Him.
But man wanted his own way and sin separated us from God.
Then we have the Levitical, old covenant laws and rituals, all pointing to our need of cleansing and separation and a coming Saviour.
A Saviour, Jesus Christ, who lived in this earth as we were created to live, in union and communion with God. Thereby making a way for us to be restored into a right relationship with God.
His perfect life shows us how we were meant to live in harmony with God. And through the cross He made that way for us to live consecrated lives by His grace which is us as Believers.
But the question is are we walking this out daily?
Are we moment by moment living lives that are set apart for God?
Or are we quite content to add a little religion on the side?
‘But life is busy and full and I struggle to find time alone with God.’
It’s not just in the quiet moments that we are to be consecrated God, it’s a life set apart for God. Consecrated to Him in the busyness of the mundane day to day tasks.
It’s doing them all for God’s glory and by the grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
It’s ‘no more me just all Christ in me.’ every moment of every day.
Easy? No it’ll be a constant battle!
Possible? Yes by God’s grace.
So let’s keep leaning in friends as we seek to live set apart lives.
Your Friend in the Way
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