A Poem On ‘Jesus Wept’.

‘Jesus wept’ in sweet sympathy
With those he so dearly loved.
As He saw their tears flow freely
For their brother dearly loved.
‘Jesus wept’ all those years ago
At the grave of His dear friend,
And groaned at all their sorrow
For the one they thought was dead.
‘Jesus wept’ even though He knew
Just how He would work it all
Together for their good, ‘tis true,
In their life and in their soul.
‘Jesus wept’, just two little words
That tell us He understands.
He knows the pain and grief we feel
Travelling this sin sick land.
‘Jesus wept’ as He does today
With those He so dearly loves
As our tears flow, He feels our pain
Up there, in heaven above.
Compassion fills His heart right now
As He sees each aching heart,
And says “Dear soul, I know just how,
I’ll work this all for your good.”
So lean on Him who weeps with you,
For with His nail piercéd hands,
He will gently carry you through
Safe to your Heavenly Home.
Sharon Izzard
With Love to all the weeping souls

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