Part One
‘I beseech you therefore, brethren…’
How Paul pleads with the Romans here and how God, through these words in His Word, pleads with each of us that have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.
‘I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, ‘that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.’
Have we obtained mercy from God? Has He in mercy opened our eyes to our need of a Saviour?
Then it is reasonable for God to beseech us also to ‘present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.’
‘What shall I render unto the LORD for all his benefits toward me?’
This is not an unreasonable thing God asks of us but it’s an act of our will. ‘I beseech you therefore’.
Are we willing to give up all and be a living sacrifice for Jesus’ sake?
Do we think of our lives, our time, our possessions, our talents etc as ours? Or God’s?
Do we desire our all to be His. ‘No more me, just all Christ in me’?
Is this something that we desire? Are we willing to be wholly His?
If not then maybe we need to read again the first eleven chapters of Romans and really consider what we were and the great mercy of God in saving us. And then plead with God to make us willing to be wholly His.
Ah dear soul, consider God’s great mercy to you and in light of that present yourself to Him to do with as He sees fits. To place you where you can most glorify Him. To make His desires yours and conform you to His image.
Not just your works but your ‘self’, your whole being, wholly His. Your will and desires as well as your deeds.
“No more me, just all Christ in me.”
With love

Rom 12:1, Ps 116:12
For more thoughts on Scripture click here