Part Two
After showing us that it’s reasonable for God to ask us to present our bodies as living sacrifices to God we’re told to ‘be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.’
Conformed here means ‘to conform oneself ie one’s mind and character. To conform to the same pattern, to fashion self according to.’
If we’re born again, are our minds and character conformed to the world or to Christ? Are we fashioned according to the world or our Saviour?
O the pleading here, don’t be like the world dear soul but be ye transformed, be transformed into the image of Christ that you might reflect His glory to a dying world.
By the renewing or making new of your mind. How? Through time with Jesus, through His word, by allowing God’s word to guide us. Not being driven by our feelings, not just doing all the right things, not just ticking the Church and quiet time boxes but a total renewing of our mindset. A turning of it away from the world’s way of thinking to God’s way of thinking as revealed in His word.
To transform comes from the Greek word ‘metamorphoō’ ‘to transform, metamorphosise, change, transfigure, to change into another form.’
This Greek word is only used on 3 occasions in the Bible.
1, at Jesus’ transfiguration when Peter, James and John had that glimpse of His glory.
2, in this instance of being transformed by the renewing of our minds and
3, when Paul speaks about the veil being taken away when we turn to the Lord. And ‘we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.’
As we gaze upon God we begin to reflect a little of His glory. Not perfectly but as in an old mirror, we reflect a little of Him to this world that so desperately needs His love.
Why do we need this?
So ‘that ye may prove (make evident) what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.’
The greatest love ever, the love of Christ to us poor, needy, sinners was demonstrated when He gave His life for us. Will we then give ‘our’ life for Him in return?
He has always been faithful to us in spite of the many times we’ve committed adultery with the world. His love is unfailing. Then let’s seek to be transformed by the renewing of our minds that we might love others as He loves us?
With love

Rom 12:1-2
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