Part Three
‘And let us run with patience the race that is set before us…’
Having set aside any weight or sin that may hinder us in our race we also need endurance.
A 100 metre sprint is soon over but you need endurance for a 10k.
The Christian life isn’t a case of say a prayer and you’re in. It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon, it takes patience and endurance.
When we’re convicted of sin, faith is given and we put our trust in Jesus Christ for salvation – that is just the beginning of the race.
A race through this life for however many years that may be, until we reach the end of our days here on earth and Jesus calls us home to live forever with Him.
A race with many distractions, temptations and trials.
We’re not running on a flat track, the terrain is rugged, strewn with rocks to trip us up and often uphill.
It’s race that needs patience and endurance.
This word patience here means ‘the characteristic of a man who is not swerved from his deliberate purpose and his loyalty to faith and piety by even the greatest trials and sufferings.’
What are our eyes fixed on? Are they on the finish line and an eternity with our Saviour? Or are we distracted by the world or weighed down by our cares and troubles?
The way may be hard dear soul, but all that will melt away and seem as nothing when we first see Jesus face to face!
So hang in there. By God’s grace cast off the weight of distractions, fight against those sins that surround us and throw down those idols. Keep trusting God to help us and follow where He leads, and He will carry us each safely home.
With love

Hebrews 12:1