Part One
‘Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight…’
We are surrounded by accounts of those who have faithfully followed God, both in the Bible and in the lives of so many that have lived their lives glorifying God.
So with that in mind ‘let us lay aside every weight….’
Here Paul is likening following Jesus to running a race with an eternity with our Saviour at the finish line.
But how do we run well? A question each earnest follower of Jesus will be asking.
We lay aside every weight.
An athlete will not run a race with a huge weighted down rucksack on his back and heavy boots.
No, he will take off anything that will hinder him wearing only minimal light clothes and shoes that are best suited for running.
So we too are to cast away anything that would hinder us in our race home. Laying aside anything that would slow us down and prevent us from living that moment for God’s glory.
That might look like putting away a certain distraction or changing our attitude.
For example: We can do the dishes with a grumbling, dissatisfied heart, fed up that the sink is once again full and nobody is helping us.
Or we can do them while singing praises to God with a thankful heart for the food that was provided and the bellies that were filled.
In both cases the dishes are getting washed but in one scenario I am standing still. In the other I have cast off the weight of discontent and am running freely and joyfully toward the finish line.
So as we begin this week let’s be seeking God’s grace and help to lay aside every weight and run joyfully the race set before us.
With love

Heb 12:1-2
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