‘Thou God seest Me.’
Sarai had been harsh to Hagar and she fled into the wilderness. But an angel found her by a well and told her to return and that God would bless her by multiplying her seed exceedingly.
Hagar then ‘called the name of the LORD that spake unto her, Thou God seest me’
Because she had seen Him that saw her.
As we begin a New Year we may be facing difficult circumstances. There will also be hard things that crop up this year.
Maybe those circumstances, like Hagar, will make us want to run away. But perhaps in running away we will miss the blessings and the lessons that God wants to show us in our hard things.
Maybe it’s not our circumstances that need changing but our hearts!
Maybe God will set before us the open door, not of change, but of stepping into what He wishes to teach us right where we are.
Maybe He wants us to trust in Him, to rest in Him and truly Abide in Him right in the middle of our hard.
Maybe He wants to grow our Faith.
Perhaps 2025 is a year where He wants us to pray and depend upon Him a lot more.
We may enter the New Year with a feeling of unease or even dread. Or we may be the opposite and enter it with many plans and dreams.
But before we run away or run into something new, let’s ask God to make the changes He sees we need right now, right where He’s placed us, and most of all in our hearts.
‘Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.’
With love
Genesis 16, Proverbs 3:5-6
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