Abide In Me – A Poem

“Abide in me”, the Saviour says
“As I abide in you,
Just as the Vine draws from the branch
From Me you must draw too.
This place you have in Me as mine
Is yours eternally,
But there must be a walking out,
Daily leaning on Me.
Abiding is believing that
All that I say is true
Resting, trusting, drawing from Me,
Savour My life in you.
Life giving sap draw from My word,
It’s food, it’s drink, it’s all.
Allow My truth to fill your mind,
Teach and direct your will.
Let My Word in your heart abide,
Its truth transform your life,
Turn your affections from the world
To rest alone in Christ.
I live inside you to comfort,
To guide you and to teach:
So abiding in my fullness
My power you’ll receive.
Then the joy, love and peace you find,
As you abide in me
Abundantly will flow out of you
To each and all you see.
In Me is all you need for life,
A life that glory brings
To our Father in heaven above
Your life His praise to sing.
Abiding is to live, remain,
Resting in My pure love;
Until the day I call you home
To live with Me above.
So abiding, dear child of Mine
In me, you’ll have true peace;
A joy unspeakable indeed
Whatever life may bring.”
With Love

For thoughts on abiding in Christ click here
Beautiful, dear sis ❣️