My Jesus is – A poem looking at some of the names of Jesus.
Jesus is my strong hold mighty to save,
Jesus is my fortress in Him I am safe,
Jesus is my refuge in Him will I hide,
Safety and shelter in Him do I find.
Jesus our counsellor, wisdom of God
Came as a baby to live on this earth,
Came down from heaven our dead souls to win,
Redeemer to buy us from slavery to sin.
Jesus in Bethlehem’s city was born,
Jesus who one day they’d all mock and scorn,
Laid in a manger, no cradle was there
The almighty Saviour of sinners to bear.
Jesus made flesh, among us did dwell so
That he might save us from sin, death and hell,
He knew what it was to feel weary and weak
So he could encourage the souls who him seek.
Jesus, despised, rejected, forsaken,
Jesus the One who they all laugh to scorn,
Though King of all kings and Lord of all lords,
Despised not a stable, there to be born.
Perfect and Holy with sinners to mix
Tempted by Satan with all of his tricks.
That Jesus might know the temptations we bear
Jesus in each of our sorrows did share.
He suffered rejection, loss, grief and pain,
He hung on a cross and then rose again,
Ascending to heaven He now wears a crown
No longer of thorns but of souls each His own.
Christ is the door to the sheepfold so safe,
Christ is the gate to the straight narrow way,
In Him I find shelter from wrath’s vengeful day,
His blood shed for me, my sin washed away.
Christ the foundation on which there is built,
The church of lost souls He saved from their guilt,
Jesus the corner stone bears all the weight,
Of souls united, in Him their great Head.
Head of His church, the body are they
United together in bodies of clay,
Some parts more comely and some more obscure,
Each one has their place, none less or more pure.
“On the cross I died, Your sins to carry
Soon, my bride you’ll to me be married,
While I prepare you a mansion above,
To a lost world, go and tell of my love.
Jesus our Saviour ascended on high
Seated in heav’n at his father right side,
Seated in glory for sinners to plead,
Moment by moment for us intercedes.
Jesus the high and compassionate priest,
For us in heaven does now intercede.
Jesus the King, a bright crown does now wear,
Preparing a place for His children to share.
“No longer on earth my presence to share,
Do not be afraid, dear soul do not fear.
When crucified my presence did not end,
I’ve something better, a helper I’ll send.”
“One I send to you my comfort to give,
And not only with you but in you He’ll live,
My spirit to guide, and comfort each day
Let Him be your helper, show you the way.”
“Come to me all who are weary within,
Weighed by the weight of a world lost in sin.
In me there is rest, a sweet rest to be found,
Love, joy and peace all in me do abound.”
Jesus the bright and morning star shining,
Light to this dark and sinful world bringing,
Now shining through us, love, hope and light brings
To those that are pained and burdened with sin.
Ask and He’ll give to you, Seek and you’ll find,
Treasures to fill both your heart and your mind.
Knock on the door and He’ll open to you,
Treasures of grace ‘most too good to be true.
Christ is like treasure hid deep in a field,
In Him there are treasures and wealth untold,
Dig deep in His word, those treasures you’ll find,
Let them sink deep to the depths of your mind.
These treasures your sword, the devil to fight,
Faith is your shield, and in Jesus your might;
Salvation from Him your mind does protect,
The gospel a way of peace for your feet.
Take truth for a belt and gird yourself tight,
The breastplate of righteousness cov’ring your heart.
Put on your armour, the battle was won,
Born on the cross by God’s Beloved Son.
Jesus, Redeemer, the price He did pay
On Calvary’s cross washed my sins all away.
For me bore the wrath of a Holy, just God,
In His perfection in my place he stood.
Now I unto God can boldly approach,
His righteousness mine, His goodness my robes;
When on me my just and Holy God looks,
He sees not my sin but my Saviour’s wounds.
Our Passover Lamb, Christ slain for our sin,
As a sheep to the slaughter, death o’ercame.
The Lamb, Holy, harmless, undefiled,
As a Lion, He over death has prevailed.
The Lion of Judah our sin did bear,
Strong and yet gentle to carry and care,
Strong enough He, to be humble and meek,
Conquered the grave for each soul who Him seeks.
Jesus the way, example to follow,
Jesus the truth, our hope for tomorrow,
Jesus the life giving source of all good,
Water of life and the life giving Bread.
Jesus my wonderful Saviour is,
Jesus the Counsellor’s wisdom mine ‘tis,
The almighty God, the great Prince of peace,
Father eternal whose Kingdom won’t cease.
Christ the Great Shepherd watching o’er His sheep,
Gently He leads us, and guides us and keeps,
Holds us safe fast in those untiring arms,
Until we reach Heaven, safe from all harms.
Show souls His love that their soul He might win,
His love on those pour who’re weighed down by sin,
Us his ambassadors, He through us shines,
So pray that through Him forgiveness they’ll find.
Christ is the morning star shining so bright,
Shines on lost souls through darkest of nights,
Chasing the shadows away in their hearts,
Drawing and bringing them near from afar.
Jesus, despised, rejected, forsaken
Jesus the One who they all laugh to scorn.
Though King of all kings and Lord of all lords,
Despised not a stable, there to be born.
Joyfully leaping and skipping He comes,
Peeps through the windows of our little homes
Will our well Beloved find us watching there
Longing our souls with His kisses to cheer.
My dear Saviour’s love is better than wine,
Yea, far sweeter too than the honeycomb,
The Chiefest among Ten Thousand is He,
Our Bridegroom and the Altogether lovely.
Like rivers of water in a barren land,
A hiding place from the tempest and wind.
The Rock of ages, a shelter secure
Lord over all, God blessed for ever more.
He’s Strength made perfect, Hope of His people,
King of the Jews, a light to the Gentiles,
Creator of all things, all things He fills,
Lovingly bears us each safe through all ills.
Jesus the great Physician and healer
In weakness we prove His strength makes stronger;
As in the trials, He refines us as gold,
We prove He’s Emanuel, God with us.
The Son in whom the Father is well pleased,
Son of the Highest, Jesus, hear ye him.
Dayspring from on high in mercy He came,
Came down to this earth, the Lamb, to be slain.
Alpha, Omega; beginning and end,
First and the last, forevermore, amen.
Yesterday, today, for ever the same,
The Author and Finisher of our faith.
His Love as immeasurable as the sand,
Holds us safe in His gentle Loving hands
The Almighty, He, which is, and which was,
And which is to come, for evermore blessed.
The word that was God and with God was He,
Our all in all, Brightness of his Glory
Crowned with honour, glory and many crowns,
Messiah, our Lord, in heaven now reigns.
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