Do I like Martha rush around, So full of anxious care, Or do I kneeling on the ground, My Saviour seek in prayer. . Oh yes, the jobs they must be done But when my Saviour calls Do I obey and swiftly come And leave behind my chores? . The dust, yes that will fall…
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Unity in The Church – A Poem
Unity in The Church – A Poem The Church, a mystery, A Union most sweet, Of sinners saved by grace, Each soul in Him complete. . Each one a member of the body, Christ their Head, Each has their part to play Essential to the rest. . Each character unique, Created to fulfil, His purpose…
What Does It Really Mean to Abide in Christ?
What does it mean to abide in Jesus? Where we read about abiding the most is of course in John 15 where Jesus speaks of Himself as the vine and the Church as the branches. Jesus has just kept the Passover with His disciples, Judas has left to betray Jesus and now Jesus continues to…